Sky Skipper is on the Switch!
Never (ever) in our wildest dreams did we think this would one day happen…. actually seeing Sky Skipper playing on the Switch. But – here we are and it is NICE! July 20th, 2018 – this date will go down in Project history as the day that anyone in the world could download the “Arcade Archives Sky Skipper” game from the Nintendo eShop and play it on the Switch. Pretty amazing when you consider just how...
UK Reveal Recap!
It’s odd how the mind works..even though October 2017 feels like it was just a month or so ago, the calendar says otherwise. I was reminded of the same several weeks back when a stream of TBT tweets from the Southern-Fried Gaming Expo posted some pics from the US reveal event, and it was a stark reminder that we needed to get the UK reveal event up on the project website, as time had gotten away from us! Alex was the consummate...
Sky Skipper TNX Boardset Registry
We want to ensure we keep track (as best as we can) of the TNX board stacks across the globe, as more and more have started to pop up now that people are actively looking and know what the distinguishing points are. What follows is the most up-to-date information that we have – for the owners who have indicated they do not mind their information being made (or has already been made) public. Please keep in mind that very well...
Preserving Sky Skipper
With the US and UK reveals now behind us, we are free to focus our time and energy on the next logical step in the Sky Skipper project – preservation of the game artifacts so that future generations can enjoy this beautiful and wonderful game for years to come. As arcade collectors, restorers and historians we have strived to make sure that Sky Skipper has been represented in the way we promised Nintendo of America that it...
PCB Documentation
Several additional TNX-01 boardsets have been found in the wild over the past few months, and we’re happy to hear that Sky Skipper may eventually live on with additional owners. To think that we may someday have a registry of additional working games and their owners is a very exciting prospect and will only happen if these additional boardsets can be converted back to working status. With that, some work is already underway to...
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