Sky Skipper TNX Boardset Registry

Sky Skipper TNX Boardset Registry

We want to ensure we keep track (as best as we can) of the TNX board stacks across the globe, as more and more have started to pop up now that people are actively looking and know what the distinguishing points are. What follows is the most up-to-date information that we have – for the owners who have indicated they do not mind their information being made (or has already been made) public. Please keep in mind that very well...

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PCB Documentation

PCB Documentation

Several additional TNX-01 boardsets have been found in the wild over the past few months, and we’re happy to hear that Sky Skipper may eventually live on with additional owners. To think that we may someday have a registry of additional working games and their owners is a very exciting prospect and will only happen if these additional boardsets can be converted back to working status.  With that, some work is already underway to...

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30 years of nothing…and then eBay happened

30 years of nothing…and then eBay happened

eBay is an interesting place – of that there is no doubt.  Like all dedicated arcade hunters, I have a plethora of saved searches and notifications keeping me up-to-date on new arcade-related listings.  Despite all the technology in the world providing the assist, nothing works if you don’t pay attention to the messages.  It’s tough to stay up-to-date and plow through all the eBay e-mails every day and...

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Alex releases info about the two PCB stacks and gameplay!

Alex releases info about the two PCB stacks and gameplay!

This video is from Nov. 2015 and is the world’s first (modern) look at Sky Skipper running in an arcade...

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